
Dr. Víctor Archilla, INTA
Dr. Víctor Archilla (Male) is the head of the instrumentation and experimental measurement techniques laboratory at INTA Turbojet Engine Test Centre, received the B.S. in telecommunications in 1999 at the Polytechnic University of Alcalá de Henares and the M.S. degree in renewable energy in 2010. In 2017, he got his Ph.D. degree in environment science and engineering at San Pablo CEU University. He has huge experience in instrumentation sensors, data analysis methods and test protocols to contribute to the engineering determination of the turborjet engine performance. Mr. Archilla was member of the RTO-AVT-180 – Gas Turbine Engine Test Cell Instrumentation and the RTO-AVT_128 – More Intelligent Gas Turbine Engines committees and he is interested in advanced test cell instrumentation concepts and research in physical characterisation and chemical composition of the volatiles and non-volatiles PM.
Dr. Archilla has also been Project Leader and Test Coordinator for several campaigns related to turbojet engine emissions (gases and volatile and non-volatile PM measurements) at INTA facility.
Dr. Archilla is also a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aircraft Exhaust Emissions Measurement Committee (E-31) and he participates in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)/CAEP/WG3/PMTG MEASURE ad hoc group as a subject matter expert.
His role in AVIATOR will be the Project Manager and the INTA main focal.
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