INTA is a Public Research Establishment specialized in Security and Defence, Aeronautics, Space, and Nautical, attached to the Spanish Ministry of Defence. INTA`s Turbojet Engine Test Centre (TETC-INTA) is a XL test bed based in Madrid. The Centre is a strategy facility for studying the new generation engines and its improvements for exhaust emissions and contributions to the environment.
Roles of the Partners

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Key role in the project
Project Coordinator (WP1). Active participation in all work packages.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Rolls-Royce has been an established engine manufacturer for over 100 years and has significant experience in the design and development of aero gas turbines. RR strategy of Better Power for a changing world drives it to continually reduce the environmental impact of RR products and deliver new low environmental impact technologies. RR participates in CAEP as part of ICCAIA to develop environment regulatory and airport protocols and provides input into SAE technical committees to develop and improve aircraft emission measurement methods.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP2 contribution to WP3, 7, 8. Innovation and Exploitation manager chairing the IPREB. Providing development engines for test cell experiments

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
The University of Manchester is the largest campus-based university in Britain, with substantial teaching and research portfolios. The SEES group holds ~£3.5M of EU research funds and ~£11.5M in UK funded environmental research projects. The group has expertise in worldwide ambient aerosol monitoring using land, sea and air based platforms. Members of the group advise on the SAE technical committees for aircraft engine emissions methods and uncertainties and are a participant of CAEP WG3.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP4 and contribution to WP2, 3, and 8.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Cardiff University has been active in the measurement and regulation of gas turbine emissions for the past decade. It currently provides independent expertise to EASA on technical issues associated with emission measurement and maintains and operates the EU nvPM reference system. CU also provides representation on the SAE E31 the international committee responsible for the development of aerospace recommended practices for gas turbine emissions measurements.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP3 and contribution to WP2 ,4, 7 and 8. Operation of the European Reference nvPM system.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Manchester Metropolitan University has a sizable measurement, modelling and fundamental research portfolio that investigates the environmental impact of aviation. MMU also provides expert advice to support policy makers and stakeholders as well as representing the UK government within CAEP.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP7 and 8 and contribution to WP 3 and 4. Work in unison with INTA to deliver the project.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales) is the French national aerospace research center. It is a public research establishment, with eight major facilities in France, attached to the French Ministry of Defence. The research carried out at ONERA results in computation codes, methods, tools, technologies, materials and other products and services which are used to design and manufacture everything to do with aerospace.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP5 and contribution to WP2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Janicke Consulting has a track record in the development of dispersion models and related topics such as complex flow models, boundary layer profiles, deposition, odour nuisance, incident analyses, and quality assurance. JC leads VDI/DIN groups on standardization and is a member of the modelling group MDG in ICAO/CAEP. Models developed by JC include the Lagrangian dispersion models LASAT and AUSTAL2000, the nuclear incident decision support system LASAIR, and the airport emission and dispersion model system LASPORT.
Key role in the project
Leader of WP6 and contribution to WP5, 7, and 8.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
The Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) is a public research body assigned to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, focusing on energy and environment and the technologies related to them. CIEMAT’s Department of Environment studies the environmental consequences associated with power production, industry and transportation, and develops technologies for mitigating their effects.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP2, 3, 4 and 8.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Iberia Líneas Aéreas de España S.A. Operadora S.U. (Iberia) Spain’s leading airline. Based in Madrid, Iberia operates an international network of services from its hub in Madrid-Barajas Airport.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP 3. Providing aircraft for on-wing measurements.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
AENA is the first airport operator company in the world by number of passengers. For AENA, to harmonise the management of its airports with respect for the environment that surrounds them is a key factor. To achieve this, the company applies an action model based on its Integrated Quality, Environment and Energy Efficiency Management Policy, with which it aims to guarantee a sustainable coexistence, both with local communities and with the natural environment.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP4 and 6. Operator of the main campaign airport.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Flughafen Zürich AG is the owner and operator of Zurich Airport, Switzerland’s largest airport. FZAG has been active in local air quality work for over 25 years and has conducted numerous research studies in the context of aircraft and airport related emissions, modelling and monitoring of gaseous substances. FZAG has been partner in AERONOX, AERONET, Forum-AE and supports ICAO in the CAEP.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP4, 6, 7, and 8. Operator of secondary campaign airport.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Copenhagen Airport A/S (CPH) is a listed company and operates Denmark’s most important airt ransport hub – Københavns Lufthavn. CPH has since 2010 been involved with measurement of ultrafine particles; alongside with quantify gaseous emissions and their impacts from all airport activities. In that respect also been developing and implemented mechanisms to mitigate them. CPH is recognized as a leading airport in the field of local air quality.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP4. Operator of secondary campaign airport.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
RAMEM is a Spanish SME located in Madrid and specialised in the design and manufacture of short series of electro-mechanical equipment and turnkey solutions for science, especially for Aerosols and Nanoparticle analysis. RAMEM under its trademark Ioner, develops and sells patented stand-alone modules as well as fully automated systems for the detection and analysis of particulate species.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP4 and developer of the LCS nodes.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
The Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) is the German national research establishment for aeronautics, astronautics, transport and energy technology. The Institute of Atmospheric Physics is located at the DLR site in Oberpfaffenhofen. It focusses on the research of the physical and chemical processes of the troposphere and lower stratosphere. At an international level, DLR-IPA is a leading institution for research on the environmental impacts of aviation with its activities ranging from in-flight measurements of aircraft exhaust (gases and particles).
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP5 and 7.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
Ingenieria Analitica SL, is a Spanish private owned company with 25 years history. The core business is implementing Turn Key Analytical Solutions based on Chromatography and Spectrometry in the fields of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food- Flavour and Clinical. IA offers advanced Analytical Services through its own Service Laboratory located in Barcelona-Spain.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP2, 3, 4 and 8. Specific focus on gas phase measurements.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
The National Research Council Canada (NRC) is the Government of Canada’s premier organisation for research and development, supporting industrial innovation, the advancement of knowledge and technology development, and fulfilling government mandates. Within the Metrology Research Centre at NRC, the Black Carbon Metrology Group address needs for traceable measurements to improve emission inventory and control, and provides technical expertise to inform policy and regulations for civil aviation, marine, and road transportation.
Key role in the project
Co-leader of WP3 and contribution to WP2, 4, 7 and 8.

Background/Expertise/Skills – Critical contributions
A member of the Université du Québec network, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) specializes in technology and engineering research. Its activities are geared toward co-operative education, with a particular focus on developing new technologies and transferring them to companies. ETS group investigates the impact of aircraft emissions upon the atmosphere and currently leads a national project involving McGill, Montreal international airport and Pratt and Whitney Canada, devoted to the modelling of airport emission contribution on local air quality of the Montreal region.
Key role in the project
Contribution to WP6 and 8.